About Me

Hi everyone *waves* and welcome to my food blog.

The Cupcake Ballroom is a baking journal that celebrates and shares the joy of my sweet life. Down in the Southern hemisphere, lives a young Melbournian girl who loves her cakes, biscuits and chocolate! I am born as an Aussie with a Singaporean/Malaysian background and raised in a family where everyone is a cake monster. I actually thought it was rather normal to be able to have a few slices of cake at one go, but then I slowly realised that not everyone is like that usually.

As a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, my dietary restrictions may seem disadvantageous in terms of having the opportunity to taste many delicious desserts that are out in the horizons, but this is not going to stop me in the pursuit of good food. If I can’t readily eat them then I shall make them which is easier said than to be done. In an attempt to harmonise flavours and to get the right sweetness that is acceptable from children to the elderly, I luckily have numerous guinea-pigs that are willing to try the desserts I bake.

My passion for baking blossomed after my teens in mid-2011 when I decided to bake a simple cheesecake…and since then I fell in love with baking and never looked back. Now I love experimenting with new flavours and recipes, and my family are the greatest food critique of the desserts I make. I may fail sometimes but at the very least I enjoy the process of it.

Why 'The Cupcake Ballroom'?
A fact that not many people know about me is that I love ballroom dancing. Not that I can dance, but I love watching all types of ballroom dance routines on television e.g. Dancing with the Stars; and hence the birth of ‘The Cupcake Ballroom’. I have a lack of creativity when it comes to naming things - what a typical scientist does!

P.S: Elle is a play on word of my actual name since it starts with an 'L'.

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